Janet cannot wait for Wednesdays
69-year-old Janet, a former landlady and talented crafter who used to have her own market stall, is a regular at TDAD’s groups. She comes to the Wednesday DEEP group as well as the Thursday Meeting Centre. She also attends the monthly De-cafe and wishes this was weekly too.
“The groups add a structure to my week which I find really helps lift my mood,” she explains. “By the time I get to Sunday, I can’t wait for Wednesday to come round again. I always arrive early so I can help set up the rooms and do whatever I can to make myself useful. On a Wednesday I enjoy sitting in the restaurant area before DEEP starts and chatting to the residents – I love listening to old people. The groups get me out the house and talking to people. I love Deb and Faye.”
“Janet is a real help and a valued group member,” says Debra Pierson. “She loves making things for other group members like bead pictures and tray bake cakes. She does get a little down at times but coming to our groups really helps her.”