Sapphire Service
Are you an older person or the carer of an older person? The Sapphire Service is here to help.
The service is for Sandwell residents at Sandwell and Russells Hall Hospitals and is delivered by Agewell and the West Bromwich African Caribbean Resource Centre who are working together to support older patients during their hospital stay and helping prevent their readmission.
The Sapphire Service aims to:
- Improve the hospital experience for older adults and their carers
- Befriend patients and support with eating and hydration if required
- Identify any barriers to getting patients back home as soon as possible
- Support and advocate for patients in the discharge planning process to reduce readmissions
- Provide support in those early days back at home
- Signpost and help older adults and their carers to access community services in their local area that can improve their quality of life
Patients referred to the service are visited every day whilst they’re in hospital and receive a home visit once a week for six weeks after discharge.
If you feel we could help you or a loved one, have a word with us on the wards, leave a message for us at the Agewell shop opposite the entrance to the outpatients department at Sandwell hospital, or call us on 0121 507 3161 or 0121 796 9333 (betwwen 8.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday).