Falls Prevention Service

Have you had a fall in the last 12 months or are you worried about falling? We can help.

There are lots of reasons why we may find it harder to keep our balance as we get older. For example: deteriorating eyesight, reduction in overall strength and muscle tone, the medications we take and reduced mobility.

However, having a fall is not an inevitable part of ageing. With the right knowledge and support, whether you are 65 or 95, there are a number of simple changes you can make to your lifestyle and home to help reduce your risk of falling and protect your independence.

Did you know...

  • If you’ve had a fall, you’re certainly not alone. About one third of people over 65, and 50% of people aged 80 and over, will have a fall in a year.
  • The majority of falls – 75% - are not reported.
  • Falls are the cause of more than 50% of hospital admissions due to accidental injury.
  • Each year in England, more than 223,000 people aged over 60 suffer a fracture as a result of a fall.
  • Falls account for between and 10 and 25% of ambulance call-outs for people aged 65 and over.
  • Each year, more than 1.5 million hospital beds in the UK are occupied by people aged 60 and over who’ve suffered a fracture.
  • Falls cost the NHS and social care an estimated £6m per day or £2.3bn per year.
  • Taking part in exercise programmes led by qualified Postural Stability instructors can reduce your risk of falling by as much as 55%.

Community-based groups

Agewell runs a number of weekly community-based falls prevention groups to help older people who have suffered a fall or who are at risk of falling to improve their mobility, strength and balance and re-build their confidence.

Delivered by qualified postural stability instructors, the groups encourage members to ‘stay steady, stay safe’ by learning exercises which are designed to strengthen their muscles and improve their balance.

At the end of the course, participants are encouraged to ‘maintain the gains’ by moving on to attend a weekly gentle exercise class.

Home-based exercise programmes

Agewell also provides a home-based exercise programme, delivered by qualified Postural Stability instructors, of up to 6 weekly one-to-one sessions for individuals who are not yet ready to leave their homes.


Contact Agewell

If you’d like to find out more, please call us on 0121 796 9333. Or click here to email us.

We accept referrals from GPs and health professionals as well the individual themselves and their friends or family members. If you’d like to make a referral please click here.

Staying Steady, Staying Safe self-help guide

This comprehensive self-help guide outlines 10 steps older people can take to start feeling safer at home, as well as when out and about.

It also includes a number of simple mobility, balance and strength exercises, as well as top tips for staying fit and healthy, and details of what to do if you do have a fall. 

Everyone who requests a guide also receives three follow-up telephone calls from Agewell to support you in working through the checklist of actions inside. 

A one-off home visit from an exercise tutor can also be arranged when required.

Anyone aged 65 and over who lives in Sandwell, or is registered with a Sandwell GP, is eligible for a FREE copy. Call us on 0121 796 9333 to request your copy or email us here.

Could you be at risk of falling?

To help identify if you, or someone you know, is at risk of falling, answer the questions below:

  • Have you fallen over within the last 12 months? Yes | No
  • Are you on 4 or more medications per day? Yes | No
  • Do you have Parkinson's disease or have you had a stroke? Yes | No
  • Do you feel unsteady / off balance? Yes | No
  • Do you struggle to get up from a chair? Yes | No

3 or more Yes’s: You may be at significant risk of falling. Contact us for more information about our falls prevention service.Call 0121 289 3038, or click here to email us.

Dates for your Diary

Please call 0121 796 9333 for dates and times of our Agewell Forums. 

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