Make a Donation

Agewell CIC is a Community Interest Company dedicated to improving the lives of older people.

Any support you can give Agewell will help us deliver more services. There are a number of ways you can choose to donate:

(i) A one-off donation

Making a one-off donation is easy.

Simply download and fill in the form below and post it back to us at the following address:

Agewell CIC, Rounds Green Library, Martley Road, Oldbury, West Midlands B69 1DZ.


(ii) Donate in memory

Donating in memory can be a comforting way to remember a loved one while helping other older people. Instead of giving flowers at a funeral, you may choose to make a donation to Agewell.

If you would like to make an individual donation, or to arrange a collection and send us the donations, please give us a call on 0121 796 9333 or complete the Memory Donation form below and post it to:

Agewell In Memory Gifts, Agewell CIC, Rounds Green Library, Martley Road, Oldbury, West Midlands B69 1DZ.

>Click here to dowload Donate in Memory form


(iii) Leaving a legacy

Leaving a gift to Agewell in your will helps to ensure our vital services for older people can continue in the future.  To arrange a legacy, you will need to talk to your solicitor who will agree the appropriate wording in your will.

If you already have a will, you can ask your solicitor to add a codicil to leave a legacy to Agewell.  This means you won’t have to rewrite your will or change anything included in it. Alternatively fill in the Codicil form below yourself and keep it with your will.

>Click here to download Codicil form

If you have any questions about donating to Agewell please call us on 0121 796 9333.

Thank you for your kind support.


Dates for your Diary

Please call 0121 796 9333 for dates and times of our Agewell Forums. 

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